Here's another of my entries in the
Imagine FX magazine forum weekly competition.
This was created for the September 2011 weekly challenge entitled: "2012 - The End"
1st Work In Progress image |
The Brief:
"We have all seen disaster movies about the end of the world. Your job is to depict a snapshot scene of an aspect of it."
The Description:
"This is quite an open challenge, this could be simply a shot of the Earth showing the reason for it's demise, an action shot of a ship being swept into a city, a lava threatened house, etc. The choice of scene is yours."
2nd Work In Progress image |
I ended up leaving this entry till the last minute, and so this was completed in a little over four hours. I wanted to do something a little different that signified some cataclysmic event, but in a more subtle and subdued way, than the usual great fiery disasters. I was lucky enough that this entry actually won the weekly competition!
Final Image |
All work is the © copyright of W.D.Lee and/or the respective companies, individuals or organisations to which the work is related. No infringement is intentional. No reproduction or copying is permitted without express permission.
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